Use in Alaska

The Internet service offers access numbers in Alaska. Which number is right for you depends upon your location. We encourage all members to upgrade to the most recent version of the software.

This article covers two topics:

A. Access Numbers That Carry no Surcharge
B. Access Numbers That Carry a $6.00 per Hour Surcharge

A. Alaska Access Phone Numbers That Carry no Surcharge:

The Internet service offers CSnet 56 Kbps access from Anchorage and Juneau. Though these new CSnet access numbers carry no surcharges, please check with your local phone company for long distance charge information.

Anchorage     907-272-3155     CSnet   56 Kbps  modem speed
Juneau          907-463-6900     CSnet   56 Kbps  modem speed

B. Alaska Access Phone Number That Carry a $6.00 per Hour Surcharge:

If you don't live within the local calling area of either Anchorage or Juneau, you can access the Internet through the national 800 number. This number carries a surcharge rate of $6.00 per hour. You can use the national number if your modem speed is 2400 Bps up to 28.8 Kbps.

National           1-800-716-0023   CSNet   up to 28.8 Kbps modem speed