Download, install, or uninstall AOL Dialer
Get access to the latest news, sports, entertainment, and more when you use AOL Dialer to connect to the Internet through your phone line. When you use AOL Dialer, the web is only one click away!
System Requirements for AOL Dialer
If your computer doesn't meet the requirements below, you should use AOL Dialer.
• 1 GB RAM
• Internet Explorer 7+
• 512 MB free hard disk space
• High speed Internet connection
• 266 MHz or faster computer processor
• Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
• 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution
Download the AOL Dialer software
If you're an AOL Advantage Plan member, download the latest version of the AOL Dialer software to connect to the web. If you're unable to download Dialer from the Web, order an AOL CD for your installation.
Install the AOL Dialer
1. Open Windows File Explorer.
2. Open your Downloads folder.
3. Double click AOLDialerInstaller, click Next.
4. Select an installation folder, click Next.
5. Select Agree, click Next twice.
6. Click Yes.
7. Click Close.